
About journeywithmay.blogspot.com

This blog and aims to become more positive in life.

Wanted to share God's love for us. And spread His love for all of us.

"Life is a book. We have the pen but GOD already knows how the story end.” Sometimes its hard for us to understand, what we really want.In addition, we are always searching for what makes us happy, our purpose in life. We encounter trials, failures and judgements that help us to know the right path.

 Sometimes we take it negatively, others in a positive way but in whatever way, time will come and we realize its sense.With this thing I hope, it will help you, to know yourself. I write this not to impress but to express, to inspire in my own little way and to strenghten your faith in GOD.It contains some of my personal experiences that helped me to be a better person.

 Furthermore it is my journey with GOD. A new chapter to turn everything around. A key for every problem and a balm for every sorrow.It also incudes some of the positive quotes that might help you to reflect and think about yourself.

 Quotes that strikes to the heart that motivates you to do it right. A written book of life that just have to keep reading.

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