Thursday, April 25, 2013


I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much.

I thought I can’t handle all the bad things, and soon I want to give up.

HE gave me trials that I never imagine to happen.

when I was in grade school and soon to take an entrance exam to continue my studies, I  passed it but unfortunately at the last stage, the interview level I've failed because they saw me. 

They saw my condition and that’s their basis. That judgment made me cry a lot. They said I am not eligible in that school because of my condition, and many things they said why I am not qualified, so many reasons and I couldn't understand why. The first discrimination I've experienced. My parents never know that every night I cry in my room silently, believing that there’s something wrong in me. 

Despite of my condition, my parents encourage me to continue my studies.My parents never give up and find another school wherein I can continue my studies and finally forget about what happen. 

Even there are many things I am afraid of, dealing with peers and facing my fears. We all know that high school is the best part of our life; there are many things that might happen in this stage of life and that are what I am afraid of.That’s school brings me hope and strength to pursue my dreams. Although I am fit in that school there is some trials and judgment I’ve encounter.

First, the TRUST because of that hardship that I’ve experience it is not easy for me to trust anyone. At first I’ve become loner, it is so hard to become like me. That anyone could easily judge me because of what they saw outside. But sooner and later it finally change.

Second, the fears of being rejected again. As time goes by, rejection is the most thing I hate to hear. I don’t want to happen it again, rejected by the one you trust and being excluded in the group.

As what I’ve said before my parents become very strict in me, they are providing all the needs and they never wanted to be hurt once again by the people around me. They always protected me, and always assured that things could be easy for me to handle.

These are some of the things happened to me in my high school life. Some obstacles I’ve passed, and difficulties I’ve struggled just to survive the circumstances that life could offers to me.

It became hard for me to trust someone again. Even though I have friends I never open my life to them, I don’t want to be judge again.

Those trials helped me a lot to become a better person right now. That it helps me to gain some friends and have faith to those who really love me.

My life gives me the courage to be more flexible in dealing with people. Even there were some flaws I experience, trying to be more optimistic with what happened to me. And it gives me a better picture of what life had.

God had a plan when bringing a person into my life, but had an even better plan when they walked out.

God's way is always the best way.

Hope I inspire you once again. Thank you. GODBLESS