Monday, November 12, 2012

childhood development

Sometimes I wonder why did this happen to me? But, then I remember God has everything planned out.

Three months after that incident, my parents notice something is wrong. There’s a late development, I didn't use my other hand to hold things and when I’m crawling my other hand always closed and become violet in color. They say that “siguro tinatamad lang nyang gamitin”. They consult a doctor and give me some vitamins.

Later on I reach my 1 year old and yet I can’t walk alone but with the help of a walker I can. We went to different places to consult for someone a doctor and even faith healers. It maybe “pinag-ibigan” faith healers said. And doctors said “CP or Cerebral Palsy” ” a motor conditions that cause physical disability in human development. But in my case it’s a mild cerebral palsy because my mind is normal I can understand certain things only my physical body is affected.

Everything’s went to normal I can play but there’s a minimal movement. I can talk even it’s not clear but you can understand. I can do other things like eating with myself and dressing up. They never give up looking for a cure so do I never give up too. Every time they know about a certain person that being healed by someone we immediately go for it, believing that I can also be treated.

And before I reach my 2 year old and my younger sister walks, I copied how she walks. And that is the first time that my parents see me, walking with my feet. That was the biggest miracle happened. Even I walked in tiptoe; it’s a big surprise for us. Cause there’s a big chance for me to walk straight. And with the helped of my other grandfather, he always scares me to hit my feet “kapag hindi ko ito ilalapat ng maayos sa sahig” and I am very thankful to him that he treats me like that. Now I can normally walk even there’s a half inch smaller with my other foot.

When my grandfather had stroke, we both had a therapy. Every time that my grandfather had a therapy I also join his sessions, so that there will be progress in my physical development. The last thing I remember that we went to a doctor was when I was five or seven years old in Makati Medical Hospital the only thing that they could give to me is through a therapy they didn't discover some medicines for Cerebral Palsy Case. As of right now I never give up and hoping for someday I can also handle an object with my other hand just like when I can finally walk alone with no other assistant or help coming from someone.

 “Believe in yourself because God believed in you first. He put you on the Earth for a reason.”
Whatever that reason that GOD has for me I know I’ll understand one day.